


language of hostility, mass media, varieties of the hostile language, modern media, levels of the language of hostility


The article clarifies the meaning of the concept «THE LANGUAGEOF HOSTILITY», analyzes examples of the hostile language in mass media. There was carries out a review of the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists onto the study of the language of hostility in mass media. The concept «THE LANGUAGE OF HOSTILITY» presented in linguistic works is considered. Researchers consider the concept «HOSTILE LANGUAGE» as «various forms of expressions caused by hostility», «language that expresses hatred towards a certain group of people», etc. It is emphasized that the types of the language of hostility can be classified according to the topic, the disclosure of the object of nomination, the way of spreading the language of hostility in society and its correspondence to the corpus delicti. The attention is focused on the features of the language of hostility in mass media: association with historical facts; creating images through comparative characteristics; the usage of stereotypes, expressions that cause negative associations, images, and humiliate the addressee; the usage of obscene language to create catchy headlines and pejoratives to express contempt, prejudice against a person or group of people; the usage of occasionalisms, the usage of evaluative verbs, unceremonious, familiar vocabulary; the incitement to prejudices and social stereotypes; the usage of irony or other forms of sarcastic humor, appeals to discrimination in open and hidden forms; dividing the audience into «own» and «others»; creating a negative reputation: prejudice against women, hasids, etc.; repetition of words to attract attention. The article presents the analysis examples with a mild level of the language of hostility. It was noted that in most cases, the language of hostility is recorded in mass media in relation to nationality or inter-ethnic conflicts. There has been developed the proposals for solving the problem of the language of hostility in mass media: the training of journalists, the establishment of ethical standards, the control and responsibility, the involvement of experts, the development of alternative forms of speech and promotion of media literacy. These measures are aimed not only at correcting negative trends in speech, but also at creating a positive informational space where dialogue, understanding and constructiveness become key values. We see the prospect of further research in the study of measures to regulate the language of hostility in modern media space.


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How to Cite

СУКАЛЕНКО, Т., & ПАЮЛ, Н. (2023). THE CONCEPT “THE LANGUAGE OF HOSTILITY” IN MODERN MASS MEDIA. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (6), 39–45.

